Wednesday, April 16, 2008

If it's not broken, break it.

I sat in my backyard for 3 hours today. I made lists and wrote letters and tried to organize my brain. I really tried to break down my thoughts about SF, myself, my life, and what I want. I'm just re-evaluating things. I think every now and again everyone just needs to break things in their life down and figure out what makes them tick, what drives them, what makes them who they are. So far I haven't changed my mind about a thing, thats good, that makes me proud of the person I am right now. I haven't second guessed myself. I have so much faith in myself and my relationships. But I'm still searching. I'll let you know what I figure out.

Love you.


kae. said...

I'm always here for you.

Anonymous said...

Great work.